Web Security
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Genome Privacy
System Security

Large-Scale Privacy-Preserving Mappings of Human Genomic Sequences on Hybrid Clouds

Y. Chen, B. Peng, X. Wang and H. Tang. In Proceedings of the 19th Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS 2012)
An operation preceding most human DNA analyses is read mapping, which aligns millions of short sequences (called reads) to a reference genome. This step involves an enormous amount of computation (evaluating edit distances for millions upon billions of sequence pairs) and thus needs to be outsourced to low-cost commercial clouds. This asks for scalable techniques to protect sensitive DNA information, a demand that cannot be met by any existing techniques (e.g., homomorphic encryption, secure multiparty computation). In this paper, we report a new step towards secure and scalable read mapping on the hybrid cloud, which includes both the public commercial cloud and the private cloud within an organization. Inspired by the famous "seed-and-extend" method, our approach strategically splits a mapping task: the public cloud seeks exact matches between the keyed hash values of short read substrings (called seeds) and those of reference sequences to roughly position reads on the genome; the private cloud extends the seeds from these positions to find right alignments. Our novel seed-combination technique further moves most workload of this task to the public cloud. The new approach is found to work effectively against known inference attacks, and also easily scale to millions of reads.


To Release or Not to Release: Evaluating Information Leaks in Aggregate Human-Genome Data

X. Zhou, B. Peng, Y. Li, Y. Chen, H. Tang and X. Wang. In Proceeding of European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2011)
The rapid progress of human genome studies leads to a strong demand of aggregate human DNA data (e.g, allele frequencies, test statistics, etc.), whose public dissemination, however, has been impeded by privacy concerns. Prior research shows that it is possible to identify the presence of some participants in a study from such data, and in some cases, even fully recover their DNA sequences. A critical issue, therefore, becomes how to evaluate such a risk on individual data-sets and determine when they are safe to release. In this paper, we report our research that makes the first attempt to address this issue. We first identified the space of the aggregate-data-release problem, through examining common types of aggregate data and the typical threats they are facing. Then, we performed an in-depth study on different scenarios of attacks on different types of data, which sheds light on several fundamental questions in this problem domain. Particularly, we found that attacks on aggregate data are difficult in general, as the adversary often does not have enough information and needs to solve NP-complete or NP-hard problems. On the other hand, we acknowledge that the attacks can succeed under some circumstances, particularly, when the solution space of the problem is small. Based upon such an understanding, we propose a risk-scale system and a methodology to determine when to release an aggregate data-set and when not to. We also used real human-genome data to verify our findings.


Privacy-Preserving Genomic Computation Through Program Specialization

R. Wang, X. Wang, Z. Li, H. Tang, M. Reiter and Z. Dong. In Proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2009).
In this paper, we present a new approach to performing important classes of genomic computations (e.g., search for homologous genes) that makes a significant step towards privacy protection in this domain. Our approach leverages a key property of the human genome, namely that the vast majority of it is shared across humans (and hence public), and consequently relatively little of it is sensitive. Based on this observation, we propose a privacy-protection framework that partitions a genomic computation, distributing the part on sensitive data to the data provider and the part on the pubic data to the user of the data. Such a partition is achieved through program specialization that enables a biocomputing program to perform a concrete execution on public data and a symbolic execution on sensitive data. As a result, the program is simplified into an efficient query program that takes only sensitive genetic data as inputs. We prove the effectiveness of our techniques on a set of dynamic programming algorithms common in genomic computing. We develop a program transformation tool that automatically instruments a legacy program for specialization operations. We also demonstrate that our techniques can greatly facilitate secure multi-party computations on large biocomputing problems.


Learning Your Identity and Disease from Research Papers: Information Leaks in Genome Wide Association Study

R. Wang, Y. Li, X. Wang, H. Tang and X. Zhou. In Proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2009).
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) aim at discovering the association between genetic variations, particularly single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), and common diseases, which is well recognized to be one of the most important and active areas in biomedical research. Also renowned is the privacy implication of such studies, which has been brought into the limelight by the recent attack proposed by Homer et al. Homer’s attack demonstrates that it is possible to identify a GWAS participant from the allele frequencies of a large number of SNPs. Such a threat, unfortunately, was found in our research to be significantly understated. In this paper, we show that individuals can actually be identified from even a relatively small set of statistics, as those routinely published in GWAS papers. We present two attacks. The first one extends Homer's attack with a much more powerful test statistic, based on the correlations among different SNPs described by coefficient of determination (r^2). This attack can determine the presence of an individual from the statistics related to a couple of hundred SNPs. The second attack can lead to complete disclosure of hundreds of participants' SNPs, through analyzing the information derived from published statistics. We also found that those attacks can succeed even when the precisions of the statistics are low and part of data is missing. We evaluated our attacks on the real human genomes and concluded that such threats are completely realistic.
